The Discovery of PCBA Virtual Soldering Problem Method

I. The common reasons for the generation of false solder are

1. Solder melting point is relatively low, the strength is not large.

2. The amount of tin used in welding is too small.

3. Poor quality of the solder itself.

4. Component pins exist stress phenomenon.

5. Components generated by the high temperature caused by the fixed point solder deterioration.

6. Component pins are not handled well when installed.

7. Poor quality of copper surface of the circuit board.

There are many reasons for the generation of PCBA solder problems, and it is also more difficult to control the process. Dummy soldering will cause the circuit to work abnormally, appear when good and bad, and generate noise, to the circuit testing, use and maintenance of a great hidden danger. In addition, there is also a part of the virtual solder joints in the circuit began to work for a longer period of time, to maintain contact is still good, it is not easy to find. So it is necessary to have a good detection method to quickly detect the product is bad.

II. The discovery of PCBA false solder method

1. According to the appearance of the failure phenomenon to determine the general scope of the failure.

2. The appearance of observation, focusing on larger components and components with high heat generation.

3. Magnifying glass observation.

4. Wrenching the circuit board.

5. Shaking the suspicious components by hand, while observing whether the pin solder joints appear loose.

In addition, there is another way to find the circuit diagram, spend some time to carefully check the DC level of each channel against the circuit diagram to determine the problem is that out, which depends on the usual accumulation of experience.

Dummy soldering is a major hidden danger of the circuit, dummy soldering is easy to make the user after a period of time, poor conductivity and failure, and then cause a high rate of return, increasing production costs. Therefore, the problem of false soldering should be found in time to reduce losses.

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Post time: Jan-12-2022

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